-The Legacy of Superman (1993) DC Comics
-Visions of Arzach (1993) Kitchen Sink
-Carnosaur Carnage (1993) Atomeka Press

-Superman: World Without A Superman (1/1993) DC Comics
-Jack Kirby´s Secret City Saga # 0 (4/1993) Topps
-Jurassic Park # 0-4 (6-12/1993) Topps
-Comics´Greatest World: Golden City (7/1993) Dark Horse Comics
-Freex # 1 (7/1993) Malibu
-Jack Kirby´s TeenAgents # 1 (8/1993) Topps
-Batman Legends of the Dark Knight # 50 (9/1993) / 213 (2/2007) DC Comics
-Cyber Force # 0 (9/1993) Image Comics
-Marvel Super-Heroes # 15 (10/1993) Marvel Comics
-Out of the Vortex # 3 (12/1993) Dark Horse Comics
-Showcase ´94 # 1 (1/1994) / 5 (5/1994) DC Comics
-Hardware # 11 (1/1994) / 14 (4/1994) / 18 (8/1994) DC/Milestone
-Xombi # 0 (1/1994) DC/Milestone
-Static # 8 (1/1994) DC/Milestone
-Blood Syndicate # 10 (1/1994) DC/Milestone
-Ultraverse Origins (1/1994) Malibu
-Prime # 8 (1/1994) Malibu
-Dragon´s Star 2 # 1 (1/1994) Caliber Comics
-Legends of the World´s Finest # 1-3 (2-4/1994) DC Comics
-Star Slammers # 1-4 (5-8/1994-2/1995) Malibu
-Warstrike # 1 (5/1994) Malibu
-Iron Man 2020 (6/1994) Marvel Comics
-Unity Saga # 3 (7/1994) Valiant
-Comic Book Who´s Who (8/1994) Warrior Publications
-Cyber Force Universe Sourcebook # 1 (8/1994) Top Cow
-Sabretooth Classic # 6-7 (10-11/1994) Marvel Comics
-The Adventures of Superman Annual # 7 (1/1995) DC Comics
-Action Comics Annual # 7 (1/1995) DC Comics
-Sin City: The Big Fat Kill # 5 (3/1995) Dark Horse Comics
-Marvels: Portraits # 3 (5/1995) Marvel Comics
-Superman: The Man of Steel Annual # 4 (6/1995) DC Comics
-Weapon Zero # 1-4 (6-10/1995) Top Cow
-Wildstorm! # 1 (8/1995) Wildstorm
-Omni Comix # 3 (10/1995) Penthouse Comics
-Tarzan versus Predator: The Earth´s Core # 1-4 (12/1995-1-6/1996) Dark Horse Comics
-Weapon Zero # 0-13 (12/1995-6-1997) Top Cow
-Penthouse Men´s Adventure Comix # 5 (12/1995) Penthouse Comics
-Jack Kirby´s Fourth World Gallery (1/1996) DC Comics
-The Foot Soldiers # 2 (2/1996) Dark Horse Comics
-Return to Jurassic Park # 9 (2/1996) Topps
-G.I. Joe # 3 (3/1996) Dark Horse Comics
-Man Against Time # 1 (5/1996) Image Comics
-Star Slammers Special (6/1996) Dark Horse Comics
-Batman Black and White # 2 (7/1996) DC Comics
-Gemini Blood # 1-5 (9/1996-1/1997) Helix
-Dark Horse Presents # 114 (10/1996) Dark Horse Comics
-Green Lantern Gallery (12/1996) DC Comics
-The Batman Chronicles # 8 (1/1997) DC Comics
-DCU Holiday Bash # 1 (1/1997) DC Comics
-Images of a Distant Soil (1/1997) Image Comics
-Weapon Zero/Silver Surfer # 1 (1/1997) Top Cow
-New Gods # 15 (2/1997) DC Comics
-Gen 13 Bootleg # 4 (2/1997) / 11-12 (9-10/1997) Wildstorm
-Jack Kirby´s Fourth World # 2 (4/1997) DC Comics
-Witchblade Spring Pinup (4/1997) Top Cow
-The Lost World: Jurassic Park # 1-4 (5-8/1997) Topps Comics
-Legion of Super-Heroes # 94 (7/1997) / 100 (1/1998) DC Comics
-The Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told (10/1997) DC Comics
-Michael Moorcock´s Multiverse # 1-12 (11/1997-10/1998) Helix
-Savage Dragon # 50 (6/1998) / 100 (6/2002) Image Comics
-The New Gods Secret Files and Origins (9/1998) DC Comics
-Legends of the DC Universe 3-D # 1 (12/1998) DC Comics
-Superman: The Last God of Krypton (1/1999) DC Comics
-Michael Moorcock´s Multiverse # 1 (1/1999) DC/Vertigo
-Daydream Lullabies: A Billy Dogma Experience (5/1999) Top Shelf
-Superman: The Man of Steel # 92 (9/1999) DC Comics
-Impulse # 52-53 (9-10/1999) DC Comics
-Crimson Sourcebook # 1 (11/1999) Cliffhanger
-Secret Origins of Super Villains # 1 (12/1999) DC Comics
-Legends of the DC Universe 80-Page Giant # 2 (1/2000) DC Comics
-Secret Files and Origins Guide to DC Universe # 2000 (3/2000) DC Comics
-Orion # 1-25 (6/2000-6/2002) DC Comics
-X-Men: Target: Angel (11/2000) Marvel Comics
-X-Men: Mutant Massacre (10/2001) Marvel Comics
-Young Justice # 38 (12/2001) DC Comics
-Joker: Last Laugh Secret Files (12/2001) DC Comics
-Heroes (12/2001) Marvel Comics
-9-11 # 2 (2/2002) Dark Horse Comics
-Just Imagine Stan Lee… Secret Files and Origins # 1 (3/2002) DC Comics
-Just Imagine Stan lee With Walter Simonson Creating Sandman (8/2002) DC Comics
-The Path # 5 (8/2002) Crossgen
-Hawkman Secret Files and Origins # 1 (10/2002) DC Comics
-Batman: Black and White # 2 (1/2003) DC Comics
-Wonder Woman # 189-194 (4-9/2003) DC Comics
-Captain Marvel # 7 (5/2003) Marvel Comics
-Wolverine Legends # 2 (5/2003) Marvel Comics
-JLA-Z # 1 (11/2003) DC Comics
-Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Golden Age Marvel 2004 (2004) Marvel Comics
-Just Imagine Stan Lee Creating the DC Universe # 3 (1/2004) DC Comics
-Savage Dragon: End Game (2/2004) Image Comics
-Back Issue # 4 (5/2004) / 69 (12/2013) / 72 (5/2014) TwoMorrows Publishing
-DC Comics Presents: Hawkman # 1 (9/2004) DC Comics
-Michael Moorcock´s Elric: The Making of a Sorcerer # 1-4 (9/2004-8/2006) DC Comics
-The DC Comics Encyclopedia (10/2004) DC Comics
-Astro City: A Visitor´s Guide (12/2004) Wildstorm
-Day of Vengeance # 1-6 (6-11/2005) DC Comics
-Disney Adventures Comic Zone # 4 (6/2005) Disney
-All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z # 2 (2/2006) / 7 (7/2006) / 11 (11/2006) Marvel Comics
-Day of Vengeance: Infinite Crisis Special # 1 (3/2006) DC Comics
-Hawkgirl # 50-66 (5/2006-9/2007) DC Comics
-Heroes Reborn: Avengers # 1 (12/2006) Marvel Comics
-Michael Moorcock´s Elric: The Making of a Sorcerer (1/2007) DC Comics
-Marvel Legacy: The 1990s Handbook # 4 (2/2007) Marvel Comics
-JSA Classified # 21-22 (3/2007) DC Comics
-The Spirit # 7 (8/2007) DC Comics
-The 3 Minute Sketchbook (8/2007) Hero Initiative
-Superman # 666 (10/2007) DC Comics
-World of Warcraft # 0-25 (10/2007-1/2010) Wildstorm
-52 The Companion (10/2007) DC Comics
-JLA Classified # 42-46 (11/2007-1/2008) DC Comics
-Countdown to Final Crisis # 24 (11/2007) DC Comics
-Marvel Spotlight: Thor # 1 (11/2007) Marvel Comics
-Bat Lash # 1-6 (1-7/2008) DC Comics
-Doom Patrol: Planet Love (1/2008) DC/Vertigo
-Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z # 1-4 (2-8/2008) Marvel Comics
-Hulk vs. Fin Fang Foom (2/2008) Marvel Comics
-Wildstorm Fine Arts: Spotlight on Gen13 (2/2008) Wildstorm
-Hawgirl: Hath-Set (3/2008) DC Comics
-World of Warcraft # 1-4 (8/2008-8/2011) DC Comics
-War that Time Forgot # 5 (11/2008) DC Comics
-X-Men: Return of Magik (11/2008) Marvel Comics
-DC Universe: Origins (1/2009) DC Comics
-Vigilante # 1-11 (2-12/2009) DC Comics
-Thor: God-Size Special (2/2009) Marvel Comics
-Wolverine: Weapon X Files (4/2009) Marvel Comics
-Wednesday Comics # 1-12 (7/2009-9/2009) DC Comics
-The Spirit # 2 (9/2009) DC Comics
-Iron Manual Mark 3 (4/2010) Marvel Comics
-Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Update # 1-2 (4-6/2010) / 5 (12/2010) Marvel Comics
-Wednesday Comics # 1 (5/2010) DC Comics
-The Authority # 21 (6/2010) Wildstorm
-WildCats # 22 (6/2010) Wildstorm
-Star Wars Omnibus: A long Time Ago… # 1-3 (6/2010-3/2011) Dark Horse Comics
-Jonah Hex # 55 (7/2010) DC Comics
-X-Men: Phoenix Force Handbook (9/2010) Marvel Comics
-DC Universe: Legacies # 5 (11/2010) DC Comics
-The Spirit # 8 (1/2011) DC Comics
-The New Avengers 100 Project (1/2011) Marvel Comics
-Madman 20th Anniversary Monster! (1/2011) Image Comics
-Avengers, Thor & Captain America: Official Index to the Marvel Universe # 8 (2/2011) Marvel Comics
-Thor Spotlight (5/2011) Marvel Comics
-Thor Poster Book (5/2011) Marvel Comics
-The Mighty Thor # 1 (6/2011) / 13-17 (6-9/2012) Marvel Comics
-DC Comics Presents: Impulse # 1 (8/2011) DC Comics
-Terminator/Robocop: Kill Human # 2-3 (8-9/2011) Dynamite Entertaintment
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles # 2 (9/2011) IDW Publishing
-Fear Itself: Felloship of Fear (10/2011) Marvel Comics
-Justice League of America 100 Project (11/2011) DC Comics
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Change is Constant # 1 (2/2012) IDW Publishing
-Legion of Super-Heroes # 5 (3/2012) DC Comics
-T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents # 3 (3/2012) DC Comics
-Venom # 13 (4/2012) Marvel Comics
-Rocketeer Adventures # 2 (4/2012) IDW Publishing
-My Greatest Adventure # 6 (5/2012) DC Comics
-Avengers # 25-30 (6-10/2012) / 34 (1/2013) Marvel Comics
-Hulk # 50 (6/2012) Marvel Comics
-Defenders # 5 (6/2012) Marvel Comics
-Trio # 3 (7/2012) IDW Publishing
-Indestructible Hulk # 1 (12/2012) / 6-8 (5/2013) Marvel Comics
-Mars Attacks: KISS (1/2013) IDW Publishing
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Treasury Edition # 50 (2/2013) IDW Publishing
-Rocketter: Hollywood Horror # 1-4 (2-5/2013) IDW Publishing
-All-Star Werstern # 16 (3/2013) DC Comics
-Sword of Sorcery # 4 (3/2013) DC Comics
-X-Men: Fall of the Mutants # 2 (4/2013) Marvel Comics
-The Perhapanauts: Danger Down Under! # 5 (6/2013) Image Comics
-Savage Wolverine # 6 (8/2013) Marvel Comics
-Indestructible Hulk: Gods and Monster # 1 (9/2013) Marvel Comics
-The Shaolin Cowboy # 1 (10/2013) Dark Horse Comics
-Archie # 648 (10/2013) Archie Comics
-Avengers Assemble # 24-25 (11-12/2013) / 27 (1/2014) / 30 (4/2014) Marvel Comics
-Thor: God of Thunder # 13 (11/2013) Marvel Comics
-Captain America: Living Legend # 2 (12/2013) Marvel Comics
-Green Lantern: Sector 2814 # 3 (1/2014) DC Comics
-X-Men Gold (1/2014) Marvel Comics
-Avengers # 24 (3/2014) Marvel Comics
-Star Slammers # 1-8 (3-10/2014) IDW Publishing
-All-New X-Men: All-Different # 1 (4/2014) Marvel Comics
-Marvel First: The 1980´s # 2 (5/2014) Marvel Comics
-Showcase Presents: The Great Disaster Featuring The Atomic Knights (6/2014) DC Comics
-Bleeding Cool Magazine (6/2014) Avatar Press
-Ragnarök # 1-8 (7/2014-3/2016) IDW Publishing
-Harley Quinn Director´s Cut (8/2014) DC Comics
-Earth 2 # 25 (9/2014) DC Comics
-Life With Archie # 37 (9/2014) Archie Comics
-Harley Quinn: Hot In the City (10/2014) DC Comics
-CBLDF Liberty Annual 2014 (10/2014) Image Comics
-Legends of Arzach # 3 (3/2016) Tundra
-Convergence Superman: The Man of Steel # 1-2 (6-7/2015) DC Comics
-Justice Inc.: The Avengers # 1 (6/2015) Dynamite Entertaintment
-Aquaman # 41 (8/2015) DC Comics
-Ragnarök: Last God Standing (11/2015) IDW Publishing
-Invincible Iron Man # 2 (12/2015) Marvel Comics
-Dark Knight III: The Master Race # 1 (1/2016) DC Comics
-The Legacy of Superman (1993) DC Comics
-Visions of Arzach (1993) Kitchen Sink
-Carnosaur Carnage (1993) Atomeka Press

-Superman: World Without A Superman (1/1993) DC Comics
-Jack Kirby´s Secret City Saga # 0 (4/1993) Topps
-Jurassic Park # 0-4 (6-12/1993) Topps
-Comics´Greatest World: Golden City (7/1993) Dark Horse Comics
-Freex # 1 (7/1993) Malibu
-Jack Kirby´s TeenAgents # 1 (8/1993) Topps
-Batman Legends of the Dark Knight # 50 (9/1993) / 213 (2/2007) DC Comics
-Cyber Force # 0 (9/1993) Image Comics
-Marvel Super-Heroes # 15 (10/1993) Marvel Comics
-Out of the Vortex # 3 (12/1993) Dark Horse Comics
-Showcase ´94 # 1 (1/1994) / 5 (5/1994) DC Comics
-Hardware # 11 (1/1994) / 14 (4/1994) / 18 (8/1994) DC/Milestone
-Xombi # 0 (1/1994) DC/Milestone
-Static # 8 (1/1994) DC/Milestone
-Blood Syndicate # 10 (1/1994) DC/Milestone
-Ultraverse Origins (1/1994) Malibu
-Prime # 8 (1/1994) Malibu
-Dragon´s Star 2 # 1 (1/1994) Caliber Comics
-Legends of the World´s Finest # 1-3 (2-4/1994) DC Comics
-Star Slammers # 1-4 (5-8/1994-2/1995) Malibu
-Warstrike # 1 (5/1994) Malibu
-Iron Man 2020 (6/1994) Marvel Comics
-Unity Saga # 3 (7/1994) Valiant
-Comic Book Who´s Who (8/1994) Warrior Publications
-Cyber Force Universe Sourcebook # 1 (8/1994) Top Cow
-Sabretooth Classic # 6-7 (10-11/1994) Marvel Comics
-The Adventures of Superman Annual # 7 (1/1995) DC Comics
-Action Comics Annual # 7 (1/1995) DC Comics
-Sin City: The Big Fat Kill # 5 (3/1995) Dark Horse Comics
-Marvels: Portraits # 3 (5/1995) Marvel Comics
-Superman: The Man of Steel Annual # 4 (6/1995) DC Comics
-Weapon Zero # 1-4 (6-10/1995) Top Cow
-Wildstorm! # 1 (8/1995) Wildstorm
-Omni Comix # 3 (10/1995) Penthouse Comics
-Tarzan versus Predator: The Earth´s Core # 1-4 (12/1995-1-6/1996) Dark Horse Comics
-Weapon Zero # 0-13 (12/1995-6-1997) Top Cow
-Penthouse Men´s Adventure Comix # 5 (12/1995) Penthouse Comics
-Jack Kirby´s Fourth World Gallery (1/1996) DC Comics
-The Foot Soldiers # 2 (2/1996) Dark Horse Comics
-Return to Jurassic Park # 9 (2/1996) Topps
-G.I. Joe # 3 (3/1996) Dark Horse Comics
-Man Against Time # 1 (5/1996) Image Comics
-Star Slammers Special (6/1996) Dark Horse Comics
-Batman Black and White # 2 (7/1996) DC Comics
-Gemini Blood # 1-5 (9/1996-1/1997) Helix
-Dark Horse Presents # 114 (10/1996) Dark Horse Comics
-Green Lantern Gallery (12/1996) DC Comics
-The Batman Chronicles # 8 (1/1997) DC Comics
-DCU Holiday Bash # 1 (1/1997) DC Comics
-Images of a Distant Soil (1/1997) Image Comics
-Weapon Zero/Silver Surfer # 1 (1/1997) Top Cow
-New Gods # 15 (2/1997) DC Comics
-Gen 13 Bootleg # 4 (2/1997) / 11-12 (9-10/1997) Wildstorm
-Jack Kirby´s Fourth World # 2 (4/1997) DC Comics
-Witchblade Spring Pinup (4/1997) Top Cow
-The Lost World: Jurassic Park # 1-4 (5-8/1997) Topps Comics
-Legion of Super-Heroes # 94 (7/1997) / 100 (1/1998) DC Comics
-The Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told (10/1997) DC Comics
-Michael Moorcock´s Multiverse # 1-12 (11/1997-10/1998) Helix
-Savage Dragon # 50 (6/1998) / 100 (6/2002) Image Comics
-The New Gods Secret Files and Origins (9/1998) DC Comics
-Legends of the DC Universe 3-D # 1 (12/1998) DC Comics
-Superman: The Last God of Krypton (1/1999) DC Comics
-Michael Moorcock´s Multiverse # 1 (1/1999) DC/Vertigo
-Daydream Lullabies: A Billy Dogma Experience (5/1999) Top Shelf
-Superman: The Man of Steel # 92 (9/1999) DC Comics
-Impulse # 52-53 (9-10/1999) DC Comics
-Crimson Sourcebook # 1 (11/1999) Cliffhanger
-Secret Origins of Super Villains # 1 (12/1999) DC Comics
-Legends of the DC Universe 80-Page Giant # 2 (1/2000) DC Comics
-Secret Files and Origins Guide to DC Universe # 2000 (3/2000) DC Comics
-Orion # 1-25 (6/2000-6/2002) DC Comics
-X-Men: Target: Angel (11/2000) Marvel Comics
-X-Men: Mutant Massacre (10/2001) Marvel Comics
-Young Justice # 38 (12/2001) DC Comics
-Joker: Last Laugh Secret Files (12/2001) DC Comics
-Heroes (12/2001) Marvel Comics
-9-11 # 2 (2/2002) Dark Horse Comics
-Just Imagine Stan Lee… Secret Files and Origins # 1 (3/2002) DC Comics
-Just Imagine Stan lee With Walter Simonson Creating Sandman (8/2002) DC Comics
-The Path # 5 (8/2002) Crossgen
-Hawkman Secret Files and Origins # 1 (10/2002) DC Comics
-Batman: Black and White # 2 (1/2003) DC Comics
-Wonder Woman # 189-194 (4-9/2003) DC Comics
-Captain Marvel # 7 (5/2003) Marvel Comics
-Wolverine Legends # 2 (5/2003) Marvel Comics
-JLA-Z # 1 (11/2003) DC Comics
-Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Golden Age Marvel 2004 (2004) Marvel Comics
-Just Imagine Stan Lee Creating the DC Universe # 3 (1/2004) DC Comics
-Savage Dragon: End Game (2/2004) Image Comics
-Back Issue # 4 (5/2004) / 69 (12/2013) / 72 (5/2014) TwoMorrows Publishing
-DC Comics Presents: Hawkman # 1 (9/2004) DC Comics
-Michael Moorcock´s Elric: The Making of a Sorcerer # 1-4 (9/2004-8/2006) DC Comics
-The DC Comics Encyclopedia (10/2004) DC Comics
-Astro City: A Visitor´s Guide (12/2004) Wildstorm
-Day of Vengeance # 1-6 (6-11/2005) DC Comics
-Disney Adventures Comic Zone # 4 (6/2005) Disney
-All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z # 2 (2/2006) / 7 (7/2006) / 11 (11/2006) Marvel Comics
-Day of Vengeance: Infinite Crisis Special # 1 (3/2006) DC Comics
-Hawkgirl # 50-66 (5/2006-9/2007) DC Comics
-Heroes Reborn: Avengers # 1 (12/2006) Marvel Comics
-Michael Moorcock´s Elric: The Making of a Sorcerer (1/2007) DC Comics
-Marvel Legacy: The 1990s Handbook # 4 (2/2007) Marvel Comics
-JSA Classified # 21-22 (3/2007) DC Comics
-The Spirit # 7 (8/2007) DC Comics
-The 3 Minute Sketchbook (8/2007) Hero Initiative
-Superman # 666 (10/2007) DC Comics
-World of Warcraft # 0-25 (10/2007-1/2010) Wildstorm
-52 The Companion (10/2007) DC Comics
-JLA Classified # 42-46 (11/2007-1/2008) DC Comics
-Countdown to Final Crisis # 24 (11/2007) DC Comics
-Marvel Spotlight: Thor # 1 (11/2007) Marvel Comics
-Bat Lash # 1-6 (1-7/2008) DC Comics
-Doom Patrol: Planet Love (1/2008) DC/Vertigo
-Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z # 1-4 (2-8/2008) Marvel Comics
-Hulk vs. Fin Fang Foom (2/2008) Marvel Comics
-Wildstorm Fine Arts: Spotlight on Gen13 (2/2008) Wildstorm
-Hawgirl: Hath-Set (3/2008) DC Comics
-World of Warcraft # 1-4 (8/2008-8/2011) DC Comics
-War that Time Forgot # 5 (11/2008) DC Comics
-X-Men: Return of Magik (11/2008) Marvel Comics
-DC Universe: Origins (1/2009) DC Comics
-Vigilante # 1-11 (2-12/2009) DC Comics
-Thor: God-Size Special (2/2009) Marvel Comics
-Wolverine: Weapon X Files (4/2009) Marvel Comics
-Wednesday Comics # 1-12 (7/2009-9/2009) DC Comics
-The Spirit # 2 (9/2009) DC Comics
-Iron Manual Mark 3 (4/2010) Marvel Comics
-Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Update # 1-2 (4-6/2010) / 5 (12/2010) Marvel Comics
-Wednesday Comics # 1 (5/2010) DC Comics
-The Authority # 21 (6/2010) Wildstorm
-WildCats # 22 (6/2010) Wildstorm
-Star Wars Omnibus: A long Time Ago… # 1-3 (6/2010-3/2011) Dark Horse Comics
-Jonah Hex # 55 (7/2010) DC Comics
-X-Men: Phoenix Force Handbook (9/2010) Marvel Comics
-DC Universe: Legacies # 5 (11/2010) DC Comics
-The Spirit # 8 (1/2011) DC Comics
-The New Avengers 100 Project (1/2011) Marvel Comics
-Madman 20th Anniversary Monster! (1/2011) Image Comics
-Avengers, Thor & Captain America: Official Index to the Marvel Universe # 8 (2/2011) Marvel Comics
-Thor Spotlight (5/2011) Marvel Comics
-Thor Poster Book (5/2011) Marvel Comics
-The Mighty Thor # 1 (6/2011) / 13-17 (6-9/2012) Marvel Comics
-DC Comics Presents: Impulse # 1 (8/2011) DC Comics
-Terminator/Robocop: Kill Human # 2-3 (8-9/2011) Dynamite Entertaintment
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles # 2 (9/2011) IDW Publishing
-Fear Itself: Felloship of Fear (10/2011) Marvel Comics
-Justice League of America 100 Project (11/2011) DC Comics
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Change is Constant # 1 (2/2012) IDW Publishing
-Legion of Super-Heroes # 5 (3/2012) DC Comics
-T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents # 3 (3/2012) DC Comics
-Venom # 13 (4/2012) Marvel Comics
-Rocketeer Adventures # 2 (4/2012) IDW Publishing
-My Greatest Adventure # 6 (5/2012) DC Comics
-Avengers # 25-30 (6-10/2012) / 34 (1/2013) Marvel Comics
-Hulk # 50 (6/2012) Marvel Comics
-Defenders # 5 (6/2012) Marvel Comics
-Trio # 3 (7/2012) IDW Publishing
-Indestructible Hulk # 1 (12/2012) / 6-8 (5/2013) Marvel Comics
-Mars Attacks: KISS (1/2013) IDW Publishing
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Treasury Edition # 50 (2/2013) IDW Publishing
-Rocketter: Hollywood Horror # 1-4 (2-5/2013) IDW Publishing
-All-Star Werstern # 16 (3/2013) DC Comics
-Sword of Sorcery # 4 (3/2013) DC Comics
-X-Men: Fall of the Mutants # 2 (4/2013) Marvel Comics
-The Perhapanauts: Danger Down Under! # 5 (6/2013) Image Comics
-Savage Wolverine # 6 (8/2013) Marvel Comics
-Indestructible Hulk: Gods and Monster # 1 (9/2013) Marvel Comics
-The Shaolin Cowboy # 1 (10/2013) Dark Horse Comics
-Archie # 648 (10/2013) Archie Comics
-Avengers Assemble # 24-25 (11-12/2013) / 27 (1/2014) / 30 (4/2014) Marvel Comics
-Thor: God of Thunder # 13 (11/2013) Marvel Comics
-Captain America: Living Legend # 2 (12/2013) Marvel Comics
-Green Lantern: Sector 2814 # 3 (1/2014) DC Comics
-X-Men Gold (1/2014) Marvel Comics
-Avengers # 24 (3/2014) Marvel Comics
-Star Slammers # 1-8 (3-10/2014) IDW Publishing
-All-New X-Men: All-Different # 1 (4/2014) Marvel Comics
-Marvel First: The 1980´s # 2 (5/2014) Marvel Comics
-Showcase Presents: The Great Disaster Featuring The Atomic Knights (6/2014) DC Comics
-Bleeding Cool Magazine (6/2014) Avatar Press
-Ragnarök # 1-8 (7/2014-3/2016) IDW Publishing
-Harley Quinn Director´s Cut (8/2014) DC Comics
-Earth 2 # 25 (9/2014) DC Comics
-Life With Archie # 37 (9/2014) Archie Comics
-Harley Quinn: Hot In the City (10/2014) DC Comics
-CBLDF Liberty Annual 2014 (10/2014) Image Comics
-Legends of Arzach # 3 (3/2016) Tundra
-Justice Inc.: The Avengers # 1 (6/2015) Dynamite Entertaintment
-Aquaman # 41 (8/2015) DC Comics
-Ragnarök: Last God Standing (11/2015) IDW Publishing
-Invincible Iron Man # 2 (12/2015) Marvel Comics
-Dark Knight III: The Master Race # 1 (1/2016) DC Comics
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